The Legendary Descent of the High Kings of Ireland -
from Adam and Eve to the present day
One has to hand it to the Irish for claiming no need of Judah, Israel, or the 12 tribes to get back to Adam. This line ignores theses traditional connections and aims straight for Noah. This Irish legendary royal line was created as political propoganda around the 4th century, so, of course serious genealogists don't add this to their gedcom files. Unfortunately, there are websites out there dedicated to royal lines, that seemlessly connect from legitimate royal genealogy to this legendary line without telling the reader. ADAM (Adâma / Adapa / Atab), Founder of the Adamic Cycle (b. c. 4004 BC) = Eve (Hawah, Avâ, Nin-khâwa) Seth (Sat-nâal / Set / Sed / Sheth) = Kalîmath Enosh (Anosh) = Neôm Kenan (Kainân) = Muâlet Mahalaleel (Mahlâlâil) = Sîna Jared (Yared) = Barâka Enoch (Henoch) = Ednâ Methuselah (Matûshlah) Lamech = Bilânos NOAH (Nûr / Nôe / Ziusudra / Utnapishtim / Atrachasis), Prophet of the LORD = Naamah (of the line of Cain) [or Emzârah, g-dau. Enoch] Japheth = 'Adataneses (Arathka / Aresisia / Noegla / Ollivani / Eneh) Magog Baoth Fenius the Antiquary, King of Greater Scythia PRINCE NIUL of Greater Scythia = Princess Scota Prince Gaedheal (Gael) Asruth Heber Scot Beman Ogaman Tait Agnon Lamhflonn Heber Glunflonn Agnan Fionn Febric Glas Nenal Nuadhat Alladh Dea Brath Breogan Billius Prince Galamh (Milidh) of Greater Scythia = Princess Scota Prince Eirhe Ahmon (Djer Amon or Heremon) EOCHAID I (c. 600 B.C.) 1st High King of Ireland = Tamar Tephi Irial Faidh Eithriall Follain Tighernmas Eanbotha Smiorguil Fiachach Labhruine Aongus Oilbhuagah Maoin Rotheachta Dein Siorna Saoghalach Oiliolla Olchaoin Nuadha Fionn Fail Giallchadh Simon Breac Muiriadhach Bolgrach Fiathadh Tolgrach Duach Laighrach Eochaidh Buillaig UGAINE MÀR (Hugune-Mor) 4th c. B.C. Cobhtach Coalbreag Meilage Jaran Gleofathach Conla Cruaich Cealgach Oiliolla Caisfhiaclach Eochaid Foltleathan Aonghus Tuirimheach Fiachra-firmara Feradaig Fergus I Maine Domadil Rowein Reuther Eders Conaire Mor Admoir Corbred I Dare-dommoir Corbred II Luigdig-ellatig Modha Lamha Conaire II Corbred of Dal Riata Eochaid Athirco Findacher Thrinklind Romaich Angus Eochaid Muin-remor Erc of Dal n'Araide FERGUS MOR (d. 501) Domangart (501-506) Gabràn (537-559) Aedàn Mac Gabràn (574-608) (d. 608) Eochaid Buide (608-630) Donald Brec (630-643) Domangart (659-673) Eochaid (695-696) Eochaid (726-733) Aed Find (748-778) Eochaid (748-778) (d. 781) = Unuisticc of Fortrenn ALPIN of SCOTS (839-841) Kenneth Mac Alpin, King of Picts & Scots (844-859) Constantine I, King of Scots (863-877) Donald II, King of Scots (889-900) Malcolm I, King of Scots (942-954) Kenneth II, King of Scots (971-995) Malcolm II, King of Scots (1005-1034) Bethoc = Crinan, Abbot of Dunkeld, Thane of the Isles, a descendant of the Irish Royal Line (k. 1045) Duncan I, King of Scots (1034-1040) = Sybil Malcolm III "Canmore", King of Scots (1058-1093) = Margaret Atheling (heiress of England) David I "the Saint", King of Scots (1124-1153) = Matilda (Maud) de Lens of Huntingdon Henry, Earl of Huntingdon = Adelaide de Warren (d. 1178) King Uilleam (William) I of Scotland, "the Lion" (d. 1214) = Isabel de Avenal Isabel of Scotland (b. c. 1167) = Sir Robert de Ros, Sheriff of Cumberland (b. c. 1171) Sir William de Ros of Hamlake (b. c. 1192) = Lucy FitzPiers Sir William de Ros, Baron de Ros of Hamlake (b. c. 1244) = Eustache FitzHugh Lucy de Ros (b. c. 1270) = Sir Robert de Plumpton Sir William de Plumpton (b. c. 1294) = Christina Mowbray Lady Alice de Plumpton (b c. 1332) = Sir John le Boteler, Baron of Warrington Alice Boteler (d. 1441/2) = Thomas Gerard, Lord of the Manors of Kingsley and Bryn Constance Gerard = Alexander Destandish (d. 1445) Ralph Standish (1424-1468) = Margaret Radcliffe Etc.... |