Through Anna, Cousin of the Virgin Mary

Through Anna, Cousin of the Virgin Mary

This line is interesting because someone attempted to get from Charlemagne to Adam through the New Testament, but only through a Cousin of the Virgin Mary, a supposed grand daughter of Joseph of Arimathea. Using a real genealogy from the New Testament was next to impossible, because one would have to admit that Jesus was married and had children, which would be unacceptable for the 1st Emperor of the Holy Roman Emire, Charlemagne. So some one seems to have made one up. Read about the origin, for example, of the grandson of Anna, Bran the Blessed at




















>Terah, (Prince of King Nimrod)



>Zarah  (through Tamar genesis 38)










>KING DAVID                          


































>Simon the Just      

>Mattathias md. dau.of Simon the Just  





>Matthat or Matthan

>Joseph of Arimathea

>Clodius A.D.20

>ANNA cousin to (Virgin_MARY md. JOSEPH)   


>Bran the Blessed                                    



>Coel or Coilus



>Strada the Fair 















>St. Arnulf, Bishop of Betz


>Pepin of Heristal

>Charles Martel

>Pepin le Bref b.714